Best Parotta in Town

Parottas, have always been part of the South’s favorite item and one of the few flatbread dishes which is made in the region. It also brings some nostalgic memories in all, as most of us might have craved this oil dipped roasted white bun which is served with dedicated Salna; and this signature comedy scene which has given an actor a title of ‘Parotta’ – this is also a fine example illustrating how vital part of the cultural milieu.

Discovering the origins

Though there is a popular narrative among the food historians that this popular dish mostly traveled from its North Indian cousin Paratha, recent studies have established that the South Indian Parotta might have an independent line. This attributes the origin of the flatbread dish to Sri Lanka, the island nation which has very close ties with our since the time of mythical age, it is believed that the Tamil immigrant workers later when they returned to their homeland introduced it to the natives.
There is also a grander narrative which can be inferred from the book ‘Feast: Food of the Islamic World’ which suggests that the true origin of the parottas can be traced to the Chinese pancakes and possibly arrived on the Malabar coast via the famous Silk route.

How JK’s Parotta aces

So here we aren’t just going to conclude that Junior Kuppanna’s parottas are simply the best in the town, and in spite, some sections of the society have few reservations on this dish, we will come out with extrapolation of how we stand out in this mass favored which is also consumed as street food.
JK is a well-established restaurant brand and stood the test of time because of the value and the idea of putting customer delight at our core.
And here are the pointers for Parottas to be extra tasty:
The ingredients are selected with a real eye to health, the maida which is nothing but fine-grained wheat flour is used of the highest quality
Making process, this is where the crucial thing of any dish happens – and not just parottas we at JK have high watermark standards for hygiene & food safety
What’s more amazing about the JK’s parottas are the rich varieties of combinations with which you can relish it with delicious nonveg items like Mutton Brain Fry, Nattu Kozhi Chukka, Kongu Chicken Gravy, etc.

These three arrows pin JK’s parottas at the bull’s eyes of the people of the town thereby making us the best parotta of the town. Now I know reading this might have brought out the inner parotta fan in you, don’t waste any time just order now to us at

Types of Parottas in Junior Kuppanna

Parottas are an indispensable part of any typical South Indian Hotel and we at Junior Kuppanna (JK) have been serving authentic Kongu cuisine for more than five decades now, and we have a separate audience for our varieties of Porattas. Here is the complete guide to help you to choose your favorite flatbread at

Parotta: The traditional parotta which is perfected roasted to bring outs its multilayered soft rings and matches well with all of our delicious mouth-watering nonveg sides

Veechu Parotta: Also called the Ceylon parottas, they come in a neat rectangle shape and they are made in a very thin fashion so that the air pockets are formed giving a crunchy

  1. Egg Kothu Parotta
  2. Chicken Kothu Parotta
  3. Mutton Kothu Parotta
  4. Veg Kothu Parotta